How do I use an mpv config file (mpv.conf)?

  1. Open the Preferences dialog (Ctrl + P).
  2. Switch to the Config Files tab.
  3. Check the Load mpv configuration file checkbox.
  4. Click on the mpv configuration file file chooser button and select your config file.
  5. Click the Save button.

How do I use an input config file (input.conf)?

  1. Open the Preferences dialog (Ctrl + P).
  2. Switch to the Config Files tab.
  3. Check the Load mpv input configuration file checkbox.
  4. Click on the mpv input configuration file file chooser button and select your config file.
  5. Click the Save button.

How do I configure key/mouse bindings?

Use an input config file (input.conf).

How do I set mpv options from the command line?

Prefix the option name with mpv-. For example, passing --mpv-vf=vflip to Celluloid is equivalent to passing --vf=vflip to mpv.

How do I use loudness normalization?

Use the loudnorm filter. To enable the filter, add the following line to your mpv config file.


There's also another filter called dynaudnorm that can be used instead. Check ffmpeg's documentation for details.

Celluloid takes a long time to start

During startup, Celluloid will attempt to load all hwdec interop contexts. This can take a long time on machines with multiple GPUs if any of them are in a low power state. You may be able to speed this up by disabling hwdec interop or choosing a specific backend using the gpu-hwdec-interop option.

Celluloid won't start when installed under nonstandard prefix

If Celluloid is linked against GLib in a different prefix from the one it's installed in, you'll need to set the environment variable GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to the directory containing Celluloid's GSettings schema files. If you used the included build script to install, this directory will be at share/glib-2.0/schemas relative to your prefix. For example, if your prefix is /opt, you should set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to /opt/share/glib-2.0/schemas.